Change Talk Part 2: Motivational Interviewing Skills and Practice

Change Talk Part 2: Motivational Interviewing Skills and Practice is a follow-up to the Motivational Interviewing Overview and will dive deeper into each of the four phases of Motivational Interviewing (MI). Participants will learn to identify the stage of change a person is in and select and use MI skills to move them through the stages of change. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from videos and practice MI skills through guided activities.
  • Section 1: Welcome and Overview of Course ~10 min
  • Welcome
  • Optional - Using the Talent LMS Platform (5m)
  • Next Level: Building skills and techniques for Motivational Interviewing (5m)
  • Section 2: Engaging and Focusing in MI ~20 min
  • Engaging and Focusing (14m)
  • Resource - Agenda Mapping Worksheet
  • Agenda Mapping Example (4m)
  • Quiz #1 Engaging and Focusing
  • Section 3: Evoking Change talk ~40 min
  • Identifying Change Talk (12m)
  • Activity: Practice DARNCAT
  • Evoking Change Talk (10m)
  • Resource - Pro and Con sheet and Readiness Ruler
  • Activity: Evoking Practice
  • Readiness Ruler Example (5m)
  • Quiz #2: Evoking
  • Section 4: Planning ~25 min
  • Planning (5m)
  • Resource - Action Plan Worksheet and Referral Form
  • MI Skills in Practice: an interview with Dani Robinette (10m)
  • Putting MI Skills into Practice: A summary (5m)
  • Final Quiz
  • Course Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever